Wednesday, June 29, 2016

From the Pugh - June 2016 Newsletter

Visioning Forward…
What is God calling Bethlehem to do in the future?
Where is God calling Bethlehem to go in the future?
Who is God calling Bethlehem to serve in the future?
These are all exciting questions that need to be prayed on, thought about, and discussed as we vision Bethlehem’s mission into the future. Bethlehem is being offered a once in a ministry opportunity – the possibility to use all of the financial gifts of the people towards mission instead of using some to pay towards the mortgage.

So what can members of Bethlehem expect?

Bethlehem has signed a contract with Porchlight Homes to sell the property that once was the orchard. We are currently in escrow. The Grand Canyon Synod lawyer, Don Stevens, has looked over the purchase contract twice on behalf of Bethlehem. Porchlight Homes has 90 days, until the middle of August, to decide to go forward with the purchase or not. Provided all things go as planned the final purchase of the land signified by closing should be about this time next year. The land will be used for ½ home lots in what is called a “pocket neighborhood.”

Bethlehem members need to begin to ask themselves these questions:

   What ministries do we want Bethlehem to be remembered for?
   What ministries does our community need?
   What ministries do we currently have?
   What ministries do we want to expand on?
   What ministries do we have energy around that we want to create?
   Where is God leading Bethlehem outside our walls?

If you are interested in being part of this visioning mark your calendar right now for Sunday, November 13th from 11:00am to 5:00pm. This meeting is strongly recommended for all council and staff members and open for all members to attend who want their voices heard in the visioning process. This meeting will decide the direction Bethlehem will take towards mission in the next five years. This vision will then be used to create a mission plan and thus direct the congregation towards the use of mission dollars in the future.
Bethlehem will be led through the visioning process by the Reverend John Schaumburg, who is blessing us with the wisdom and knowledge he has gained through his years of ministry and from serving the Grand Canyon Synod as the Director of Mission for the past several years.

Once a missional vision has been decided upon, the council will prepare a list of items they feel will further this new vision. This list will be made available to the congregation at the 2017 Annual Meeting in January. At this time additional items may be added to the list from the congregation. 

At a special congregational meeting in February or March of 2017 the congregation will vote for their top five ministry items to be funded by the proceeds of the selling of the property.  The overall top five ministry items voted on by the congregation will then be incorporated into the mission plan.

When the purchase of the land is finalized and all monies have been received, the distribution of items that will be funded by the selling of the property will have already been voted on by the congregation and the new five year mission plan can seamlessly be put into place.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this process please contact either Pastor Chon or Council President Bill Gappa as they will have the most current and up to date information.

It is an exciting time to be a member of Bethlehem!

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